First Contact Physiotherapist Provision

Healthshare supply highly trained First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) across the Hull patch with an ongoing support and development package. We have been embedding MSK Physiotherapists within General Practice dating back to 2014 before the inception of the First Contact Practitioner roles when we provided the forerunner of FCP clinics known as interface clinics. The model has matured but our significant ‘on patch’ knowledge and integration in the local health system helping shape local healthcare pathways makes Healthshare Hull an FCP industry leader.


What is the FCP role?
First Contact Physiotherapists act as the first point-of-contact for patients with MSK conditions in primary care. In line with the HEE Roadmap they operate at Agenda for Change Band 7. Within their remit is the assessment, diagnosis and management of MSK patients. Their role is to screen and signpost MSK patients onto appropriate care. They are not ‘in house’ Physiotherapists. They refer patients to GPs to address non-MSK conditions.

Supervision and training
A known national issue with the roll out of FCP provision concerns the quality of support and mentorship. Staff development is taken seriously at Healthshare Hull. We have a proven track record of training and supporting many of the ICB regions most experienced MSK Physiotherapists including both serving and former clinicians.

Healthshare provide an ongoing comprehensive support and mentorship package for FCP’s integrated within your PCN including a clinical supervisor for the HEI Roadmap taught route as well as attendance at our well regarded fortnightly FCP peer support hubs led by our Advanced MSK Practitioners. Additionally, a dedicated mentor at least one banding above is allocated with protected monthly mentorship and access for timely debriefs as required.

A Roadmap to Practice

FCPs & APs in Primary Care - Roadmap

FCPs are fully funded under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). The ARRS scheme helps PCN’s diversify and manage their workforce to better suit the needs of their patients and reduce the pressure on General Practice caseloads.

NHS England » Expanding our workforce

Assessing impact success ARRS

Assessing impact success ARRS

FCP cost effectiveness

FCP cost effectiveness

Audit and informatics
We provide quality improvement data linked to Keele University’s National MSK Audit. This helps measure the quality and effectiveness of care being delivered within your PCN by the FCP helping streamline pathwaying and reducing cost within the wider healthcare system.

We provide monthly metrics to ensure visibility of standards of care and efficiency in your practice. Data breakdown includes some of the below BI data:

  • Appropriate care navigation with practice care navigator education where required

  • Diagnostic referral volume

  • Secondary care referral volume

  • GP and FCP follow up volume

  • Self-management volume


If you would like a Healthshare embedded FCP developed, trained and supported by local subject matter experts who train the trainers then please get in touch to discuss how we can support you.

Healthshare have FCPs in the following Primary Care Networks and Surgeries:

Venn PCN:

Bridge Group Practice - Elliott Chappel Health Centre
215 Hessle Road

Bridge Group Practice - The Orchard Centre
210 Orchard Road

Southcoates Medical Centre
225 Newbridge Road

Sutton Manor Surgery
St Ives Close
Wawne Road

Acclaim PCN:

Clifton House Medical Centre
263-265 Beverley Road

Marfleet Group Practice
Preston Road

The Avenues Medical Centre
147-153 Chanterlands Avenue

Our Primary Care Networks and Surgeries locations